2940 S Galapago Englewood, CO 80110


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Durango, Colorado Testimonials


Hi Rick,

I did want to take a moment to commend you on the delivery crew.   They were both very professional, helpful and efficient in the delivery of the spa.  Bobby took the time to go over the basics of the spa with me, and I would give both of them very high marks.  I know how difficult it is to higher dedicated professional people to do the job you need to have completed, as I too find struggle to find competent employees and then keep them.  Please pass along my satisfaction to the crew and let them know how much I appreciate all they did in delivering our new spa.

BTW, I am also very pleased with the appearance of the “reconditioned spa”.  It looks completely new, and it is difficult to convince anyone looking at it that the unit is not new.  Good job Wind River Spas, I can give you very high marks all the way around.

Jim Burt
Durango, CO.