
I really appreciate you reaching out to us. I am thrilled my buddy many years ago told me about you folks and I never
forgot the name Wind River. Now we’re ready to make this awesome purchase.

You ought to know that before I left my home with Laura, I told her we were not buying at the first place we stopped.
We started with you folks because of the old buddy of mine. We made that drive down Santa Fe Drive to your place
and I was so impressed, the decision was easy. That is a testament to your product, your staff, and the feel we had.

The great thing is a neighbor stopped by today who is in the same market — I told him my story and sent him your way.
I’m sure he’ll make a visit soon! And by the way, Tyler was fantastic. Patient and informative. A salesman? Yes. But
it’s easy to sell a good product!! And he represents you folks very, very well.