If you live with diabetes, you are probably always trying to find a balance between finding effective ways to manage your condition while also still living a fulfilling life. From managing your blood sugar levels to trying to keep your stress levels down, diabetes can often feel overwhelming. We want to help you integrate therapeutic habits into your daily routine that can give you health benefits while also helping you relax and enjoy your routine. 

If you are in the Denver area and you are looking for complementary strategies to managing your diabetes, you can consider adding a soak to a chemical-free hot tub to your routine. At Wind River Spas, we offer unique tubs that give you all the benefits of hot water therapy without the downsides of soaking in harmful chemicals like chlorine. 

Learning More About Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that impacts how your body regulates your blood sugar. The two types of diabetes, type 1 where your body doesn’t produce insulin, and type 2 where it does use insulin effectively, can both lead to high blood sugar. While managing diabetes through interventions and lifestyle changes suggested to you by your doctor should be the foundation of your strategy, there are other habits that you can incorporate into your routine to help lower your blood sugar and keep it at a healthier level.   

Challenges of Managing Diabetes

Keeping blood sugar levels in a healthy range is one of the biggest challenges of diabetes. Many things such as your diet, stress levels, common illnesses, and even the time of day can cause fluctuations. While you may already have a good routine to help keep your blood sugar levels in balance, it can still be helpful to have other additional strategies that don’t add any stress to your day. 

Staying active is also an important way to stay healthy with diabetes. But this can be difficult during certain seasons, especially in Colorado when snowy winters can keep many people indoors. It can also be difficult for patients with mobility issues or other limitations. You may be searching for ways to stay more active regardless of the season. 

Hot Tub Therapy and Diabetes Management

What Is Hot Tub Therapy?

Hot tub therapy is the practice of using a hot tub to promote overall wellness through the well-known benefits of soaking in warm water. Hot tubs provide a unique blend of heat, buoyancy, water pressure, and massage therapy through the jets to relieve muscle tension, improve the body’s circulation, and reduce stress. If you have diabetes and your doctor gives you the “go-ahead” for hot tub therapy, you can enjoy a natural and relaxing way to support your physical and mental health. 

Dr. Hooper’s Research on Diabetes and Hot Tubs

In 1999, Dr. Philip L. Hooper of the McKee Medical Center in Loveland, CO explored whether hot tub therapy could provide benefits similar to physical exercise for patients with type 2 diabetes. He published his findings in the September 16, 1999 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. During this study, eight patients immersed themselves in a hot tub for 30 minutes every day, six days per week, for three weeks. The water was kept between 37.8°C and 41.0°C for this study. 

The results of this study were encouraging. For these patients, the study showed reduced fasting plasma glucose levels, decreased glycosylated hemoglobin, and even a small amount of weight loss. One of the patients in the study was able to reduce their insulin dosage by 18% after 10 days of this routine. Many participants also reported improved sleep and an improved sense of health and well-being. This study suggested that hot tubs for diabetes can be a helpful strategy, particularly for those who are unable to participate in traditional exercises but still want to improve their blood flow and metabolic health. 

Why Hot Tub Therapy Works

How Immersion Affects the Body

Sitting in a hot tub creates a weightless environment where warm water surrounds your body and naturally improves blood flow. Increased circulation can be great for delivering more oxygen and nutrients to tissues and muscles. 

Simulated Exercise Benefits

For diabetes patients who can’t engage in common types of physical activity such as jogging or biking, hot tub therapy can help mimic some of the benefits of exercise while also being easy on the joints. The increased blood flow and elevated heart rate during immersion resemble the effects of light aerobic activity.

Impact on Sleep Patterns

Getting quality sleep means sleeping enough hours and sleeping deeply enough to allow your body to heal and restore itself. Hot tub therapy can help promote your overall health by encouraging higher-quality sleep. This therapy can relax the muscles, ease tension in the body, and trigger a healthy circadian rhythm if used at the right time every day. 

Incorporating Hot Tub Therapy Into Your Routine

Hot tubs can be a great way to complement your diabetes management plan, but it’s important to stick to a few guidelines for safe use. Make sure to limit your hot tub sessions to around 15-30 minutes. Keep the water between 100°F and 104°F to keep your body from overheating. You should also monitor your blood sugar levels before and after your sessions to see how soaking impacts your glucose levels. 

While hot tub therapy can be beneficial, it is not suitable for everyone. Be sure to always consult your doctor before using your hot tub.

Take Control of Your Diabetes With the Help of Your Hot Tub

Diabetes can be overwhelming, but with the right support, it can be a little easier. Hot tub therapy can bring many benefits like better circulation, relaxation, and deeper sleep. If you and your doctor have decided that hydrotherapy could be beneficial for your situation, we are here to help. With our chemical-free hot tubs at Wind River Spas, you can improve your health while also enjoying the benefits of our hot tubs made for Colorado. Are you ready to learn more? Call us at (303) 789-2656 or build your own tub online.